Friday 29 November 2019


I have slipped so far away I have fallen to the wayside, my flesh is the essence of weak but my spirit is made whole by Him. Work out your salvation daily before the Lord! As I drift away in thought my heart shows me, dreams of how I wish things could be. Who are we fooling, only people at your church believe you. Thanks to georgelyday for sending these lyrics. Why is church tradition held onto so dearly if its not even rooted in the scripture we so desire for? We are all living a double life, what our spirit wants the flesh denies. the gun show discontentment

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An Overview This restless heart step into light, breach the darkness. But how does puffing up your chest portray a love you say you know.

the gun show discontentment

That you believe your self-worth is based off of. You have no excuse your ignorance is nothing but a lie. Do not stir up nor awaken love until it so pleases. But what happened to seeing first the kingdom of God and not trying to build up your own empires. Why is church tradition held onto discpntentment dearly if its not even rooted in the scripture we so desire for? Your beliefs are rooted in false tradition.

The gun show discontentment album

Should we not hunger for Gods word more than once a week? A startled mind cease your sleeping, steady your breathing. Thanks to georgelyday for sending these lyrics. Authenticity Lets discontentmetn this straight that everyone around you is not what they seem.

To show thy self approved, more than once a week. By the gazelles or by the discontehtment of the field. The more see the more you think the more you find. So always keep your eyes focused on Him.

the gun show discontentment

The Honest Truth 9. Don't ever turn your back on God 5.

I am so disillusioned by the fact that in such uncertain times the modern day church looks more to the world then its trust in Jesus Christ. What would be the point? We need a transformation.

Discontentment Album songs The Gun Show ※ Lyrics

For I am the only thing keeping me from seeking God. My passion has gone. History shows us the crooked paths that we now walk upon. We must all learn to live transparent lives.

But that leaves your self-confidence lacking. Everyone of us has pain, do we really trust in who we claim.

The gun show discontentment download

Founded Upon The Discontrntment Form the softest touch of your skin to the warmth of your gentle heart you are truly beautiful. Its that simple church.

the gun show discontentment

As I drift away in thought my heart shows me, dreams of how I wish things could be. Why is it that we as Christians can go through the motions so perfectly.

We are called to study more than once a week. God owes us nothing. I am rooted in a generation that disconntentment too ignorant to seek truth.

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